Livestream 8/7/22 Front Body Opening w/Strap + Setubandha Sarvangasana 95 min
Use a strap throughout the standing sequence in this class to activate posterior chain muscles and open the front body to access a bridge shoulder stand, setubandha sarvangasana.
Livestream 7/31/22 Active Shoulders + Glutes in Sirsasana 95 min
Connect with the muscles that stabilize the shoulder blades, the core and the glutes to find a smooth entry to sirsasana, or headstand!
Livestream 7/17/22 Powerful Hamstrings + Purvottanasana 110 min
The hamstring muscle group helps to flex the knee and extend the hip, but tend to be more passive in many common yoga postures. In this class, you'll channel the power of the hamstrings in standing postures and to find a more active support in purvottanasana, or the intense front opening reverse ...
Livestream 7/10/22 Thoracic Rotation + Revolved BOP 100 min
Deepen the rotation of the thoracic spine while engaging the hips and core in this practice that prepares for a bound balancing twist- revolved bird of paradise!
Livestream 7/3/22 Cooling Pitta Flow 90 min
Give your mind and body a cool break with this gentle flow full of forward bends, twists and enough movement to energize without overheating. (Note: please excuse the periodic coughing).
Livestream 6/26/22 Foot, Ankle, Tibial Mobility + Bound Half Lotus 100 min
Explore closed chain mobilizations for the foot and ankle to improve your ability to root in standing postures. Then try ardha baddha pachimottanasana, a bound half lotus fold, with tibial rotation for improved comfort.
Livestream 6/19/22 Scapular Stability + Chaturanga 75 min
Use the movement of your shoulder blades to increase power and precision in four limbed staff pose, chaturanga dandasana, and the transitions into and out of it.
Livestream 6/12/22 Hamstrings + Hand to Foot Tripod
Explore how different hip positions impact the hamstrings in many common postures and channel the strength of the arms in a variation of mukta hasta sirsasana A + B, or tripod headstand.
Livestream 6/5/22 Deep Twists + Revolved Child's Pose 90 min
Explore active twists in the lumbar and thoracic spines to go progressively deeper into this revolved variation of child's pose.
Livestream 5/22/22 Twisting Core + Baby Grasshopper 95 min
Work into hip-opening twists that activate the core to practice a baby grasshopper pose variation. It's a great class to build strength and fight some of the common causes of low back pain!
Livestream 1/16/22 Active Lumbar Rotation + Astavakrasana Prep 95 min
Activate the deep core in lumbo pelvic rotation and fire up the glutes for smooth transitions between postures and a variation of astavakrasana, eight angle pose.
Livestream 1/23/22 Bound Supta Baddha Konasana + Bridge 90 min
Use then tension of binding for a deeper back bend in bound variations of supta baddha konasana (bound angle pose) or setu bandhasana (bridge pose)!
Livestream 1/30/22 Core Flexion + Halasana Variation 90 min
Use the core to maximize spinal mobility and deepen lumbar flexion for a variation of halasana, plough pose.
Livestream 2/6/22 Dynamic Hip Extension + Salabasana Variation
Awake your inner child and build dynamic core activation + hip/lumbar extension with this variation of salabasana, locust pose!
Livestream 2/13/22 Reverse Prayer Toestand 105 min
Refine scapular positioning to maximize shoulder extension and find active, strong feet in this practice working into variations of toe stand. (Stay tuned to the end of class for additional musings on shoulder mechanics)
Livestream 2/20/22 Whole Body Opening + Pigeon Mermaid 100 min
Prep the thoracic spine, shoulders, core and hips to find comfort in this deep back bend! Your entire body will thank you!
Livestream 2/27/22 Supta Konasana + Dynamic Hamstrings 105 min
Lengthen and activate the hamstrings in different positions to prepare for a dynamic balancing posture, supta konasana, while drawing your attention to the transformation of your internal landscape.
Livestream 3/6/22 Active Hip Rotation + Padmasana (Lotus)
Explore active internal + external hip rotation and femoral positioning through a supine entry to padmasana, or lotus pose.
Livestream 3/13 Hip + Pelvic Rotation in Samanasana
Coordinate the movements of the hip and pelvis while recruiting the core to balance in samanasana!
Livestream 3/27/22 Spinal Flexion, Core Control + Baby Crow 90 min
Accentuate spinal movement into flexion using the power of the core and some handy props - surface for sliding on blanket recommended ;) Then slowly work your way into baby crow pose on forearms.
Livestream 4/3/22 Firm Foundation for a Deep Twist
Cultivate the power from your feet, hips and core to find stability and balance in a bound, upright twist.
Livestream 4/17/22 Twisting Back Bend + Infinity Bow 95 min
Work into progressively deeper twists in positions of relative spinal flexion and extension. The class builds into a variation of bow pose with an infinity twist!
Livestream 4/24/22 Crow On One Elbow 95 min
Connect scapular protraction with core activation in this practice that offers unique binds to open the front of the body and then works into a variation of crow pose on one elbow.
Livestream 5/1 Rotating in Different Planes + Parighasana
Channel the control of the core to find the pelvis and the ribcage rotated in different planes, working into the luxurious side bend offered by parighasana.