Livestream 12/10/23 Scapular Mobility + Bound Finishing Poses 90 min
Feel the connection between the mobility of the shoulder blades, extension through the thoracic spine and internal movement of breath in this practice that puts the pieces together for bound variations of finishing postures: bridge, bound angle and fish!
Livestream 11/26/23 Bound Twisting Ardha Hanumanasana 95 min
Explore the relationship between thoracic mobility and the hamstrings with this class designed to lengthen and stabilize the front and back of the body. Then, you'll work into a fun variation of a twisted half split!
Livestream 11/19/23 Going Deep into the Hips + Head to Foot 95 min
Take a journey deep into the hips and lumbar spine with this class that mixes mobility and stability, finding ways to more actively deepen your range of motion. Then, work into the posture head-to-foot to acquaint your nose with your toes!
Livestream 11/12/23 Twists, Frontal Plane + Infinity Bow 95 min
Celebrate the Sanghaversary with this special class to get the thoracic spine and pelvis stabilized in two separate planes. Then, work into active back bends and hip extension to try the deceivingly accessible infinity bow!
Livestream 10/29/23 Core Stability + Revolved Half Moon 95 min
Learn the secret to how changing the base of support will always create more core engagement. Then, practice stabilizing the lumbo-pelvic region in ardha chandra chapasana, revolved half moon!
Livestream 10/22/23 Shoulders, Spinal Extension + Extended Puppy Pose 90 min
Dig into muscles around the shoulder to unlock end-range shoulder flexion. Then, cultivate a strong sense of core stability to work actively into deeper spinal extension for a variation of anahatasana, extended puppy pose!
Livestream 10-15-23 Free the Front Body + Camel Splits 95 min
Free the front of the body to prepare for active back bends and hip extension while also encouraging the hips for deep hip flexion and external rotation. Then work into the asymmetry of a back bending variation, camel splits!
Livestream 10/1/23 Shoulder + Thoracic Roation in Bound Pigeon 95 min
Use shoulder movement to get the thoracic spine moving while you open the hips to prepare for some fun, bound pigeon variations!
Livestream 9-24 Frontal Plane Shoulders & Hips + Dolphin Hydrant 95 min
Activate and mobilize the shoulder and hip joints in the frontal plane and with weight bearing on one arm to work towards an arm balancing variation, dolphin hydrant!
Livestream 9/17/23 Hip Isometrics + Flying Lizard 95 min
Use isometric contractions of the muscles around the hip to work into a hip opening arm-balance, flying lizard!
Livestream 9/10/23 Scapular Stability + Half Wheel at the Wall
Find power in the muscles that stabilize the scapula to create a solid foundation for bearing weight on the hands and opening the heart. Then use the wall to work into the wonderful variation of 1/2 wheel, or urdvha dhanurasana!
Livestream 9/3/23 Active Hamstrings + Baby Bound Koundinyasana 90 min
Find both passive and active movements to get deeper into the hamstrings, the hip and prepare for weight bearing on the elbow. Then put all the pieces together for this bound variation of koundinyasana!
Livestream 8/27/23 Twisting Side Bodies, Hips + Funky Chapasana 95 min
Create length in the side of the body with side bends and binding twists. Try a fun balancing mobility drill for the hips as you prepare for an upside down variation of ardha chandra chapasana!
Livestream 8/20/23 Hip Internal Rotation + Krounchasana 95 min
Mobilize and stabilize the hips, especially in internal rotation, and find the power of the core within to sit tall in balance for heron's pose, krounchasana!
8/13/23 Figure 4, Functional Core + Eka Pada Galavasana 95 min
Flip your figure 4 all around to open the hips and activate the core. Then, try accessing the arm balancing eka pada galavasana using props and the wall!
Livestream 8/6/23 Thoracic Side Bodies + Revolved Bound Pyramid 95 min
Prep the thoracic spine and shoulders for deep twisting through variations of common postures. Then work into a lovingly deep bind in a bound revolved pyramid pose, letting it all wring out.
Livestream 7/16/23 Scapular, Hip Mobility + Vasisthasana 95 min
Explore pelvic positioning to maximize hip motion and find engagement in the scapular stabilizing muscles for bearing weight on one hand to work into variations of vasisthasana, or side plank!
Livestream 7-9-23 Thoracic Mobility, Hip Extension + Natarajasana 95 min
End the days of back bending with pain by applying the principles in this class: thoracic mobility and active shoulders and hips! Then, use the wall to work into a variation of King Dancer's pose, Natarajasana.
Livestream 7/2/23 Lumbo-Pelvic Region + Ustrasana 95 min
The lumbo-pelvic region consists of the hips, pelvis/sacroiliac joint and lumbar spine and limitations in any one of those areas can impact how the others move and feel. In this class, we apply this concept in mobilizing the hips to free pelvic rotation and allow the lumbar spine to extend with m...
Livestream 6/25/23 Slow Twists + Bound Figure 4 Boat 95 min
Focus on stabilization through slow, intentional twisting. Then dive deep into the low back and hips to work into a bound variation of figure 4 boat pose!
livestream 6-18 Hip Flexors + Eka Hasta Bhujasana 90 min
Connect with the power of the hip flexors and core to lift your seat in a practice that builds into eka hasta bhujasana, or elephant trunk pose!
Livestream 6/11/23 Hamstrings + Half Moon:Dancer 100 min
The hamstrings are powerhouse muscles that attach from the ischial tuberosities (the sit bones) to the tibia and they help to power the posterior chain especially in knee flexion and hip extension. This class highlights the strength and flexibility of the hamstrings in *fun* ways with props and t...
Livestream 6/4/23 Focus on the Knees + Pistol Squat Variation 90 min
The pathway to healthy knees depends greatly on hips and ankles that are mobile and strong! So in this class, we'll dig deep into those regions while focusing on the stability of the knee, working into a balancing variation of a pistol squat. Definitely a great combination of physical therapy and...
Livestream 5-28-23 Free the Feet + Extended Bridge Pose 90 min
Free the mobility of the ankles and feet by incorporating a blanket into your practice. Then, find a long opening across the front of the body (feet included) in this variation which combines shoulder stand with purvottanasana (reverse plank), extended bridge pose!