Livestream 12/8/24 Shoulder Blades + Bound Closing Posture Variations 100 min
Familiarize yourself with the connection between the shoulder blades, thoracic spine and breath in this practice that puts the pieces together for some bound and backbending variations of finishing postures: bridge and reclined bound angle!
Livestream 12/1/24 Hamstrings + Eka Hasta Bujasana 100 min
Find the connection between the hamstrings, knee and hip in this class that works into deep hip flexion actively and passively to prepare for an arm balancing elephant trunk, or eka hasta bujasana!
Livestream 11/24/24 Crossing Midline + Gomukasana! 100 min
Start the practice with a *luxurious* self massage to your calves (AKA calf smashing) and then follow that freedom into the back of the leg and outside of the hip. The posture sequence will open the front of the body and shoulders to prepare all of you for gomukasana, or cow face pose!
Livestream 11/17/24 Shoulders, Thoracic Spine & Hips in Natarajasana 95 min
Improve the mobility of the shoulders and thoracic spine while actively extending the hips in this practice that works towards a more engaged back bend in natarajasana, king dancer’s pose!
Livestream 11/10/24 Hip Flexion + Bound BOP Variation 100 min
Work on deepening your end range hip flexion for a balancing variation of bird of paradise
Livestream 11/3/24 Shoulder Flexion + Extended Puppy Pose 100 min
Free the latissimus and teres major to improve shoulder flexion, then work your way into an active variation of anahatasana, extended puppy pose!
Livestream 10/27/24 Shoulder Extension + Salamba Sarvangasana 105 min
Free the muscles on the front of the shoulder to encourage more active shoulder extension and scapular retraction. Then try a unique approach into shoulder standing using props and the wall!
Livestream 10/13/24 Adductors/Abductors + Extended Balancing Dolphin 100 min
Find the connection between the inner and outer hip muscles in this practice that will wake up your glutes and let you try a fun balancing variation of dolphin with open hips!
Livestream 9/29/24 The Outer Hip + Fallen Triangle 100 min
Improve your hip and lumbo - pelvic mobility by freeing the tissues on the outer hip (think TFL, glute max etc) for better adduction and extension. Then, both wind up and unwind your twists to work into fallen triangle!
Livestream 9/22/24 Uncoiling the Spine for Strength + Purvottanasana 105 min
Connect with a rolling action through the torso to increase mobility of the spine and shoulders. Then cultivate a sense of core stability to build into purvottanasana, or reverse plank!
Livestream 9/15/24 Wring Out The Whole Body + Revolved Bound Pyramid Pose 100 mi
This practice is a treat for the head, shoulders, knees and toes! Use deep side bends to twist from the thoracic spine. Release the shoulders and neck. Plus find delightful length on both sides of the hamstrings. Revolving and binding in pyramid pose as accessible as it is luxurious! Enjoy!
Livestream 9/1/24 Knee Stability + Single Leg Bound Bridge Pose!
Take a regional look at the knee, hip and ankle to optimize mobility and improve stability in this practice intended to nourish all the ways your knees move! Then, work into a single leg variation of a bound bridge pose!
Livestream 8/25/24 Twisting Folds + Drinking Flamingo 100 min
Flip your twist upside down on one leg with this practice that offers several new perspectives on common postures. Then, apply these new concepts to a twisting bound forward fold comically named drinking flamingo!
Livestream 8/18/24 Active Hip Extension + Dikasana 105 min
Free the hip to move confidently into extension with the support of the pelvis and the lumbar spine! This biomechanics-focused practice will connect you to the gluteus maximus for a stronger presence in dikasana, or full warrior 3 pose!
Livestream 8/11/24 Free the Feet + Extended Bridge Pose! 100 min
Free the mobility of the ankles and feet so that you can root more completely and confidently. Then, gradually open along the entire front of the body to approach extended variation of bridge pose!
Livestream 8/4/24 Hip & Shoulder Mobility + Vatayanasana 95 min
Free the mobility of the body's two ball and socket joints in this practice that takes you through many posture variations to arrive in accessible modifications for vatayanasana, the horse pose!
Livestream 7/28/24 Free Hip Extension + Bhekasana 100 min
Freeing the hip into extension requires the joint has the necessary range of motion through stretching the hip flexors. Then, apply this free movement to a posture that requires extension of the hips and spine, bhekasana or the frog pose!
Livestream 7/21/24 Thoracolumbar Junction + Flying Fish! 95 min
Use the support of a strap to deepen your spinal extension and free the junction between the thoracic and lumbar spines! Then use props to access uttana padasana, the flying fish pose!
Livestream 7/7/24 Core Focused Twists + Thread the Needle Backbend! 90 min
Engage the core in different in unexpected ways throughout this class that builds to a posture that will (literally) flip you on your head! This back-bending and bound version of thread the needle invites a sense of playfulness and balance!
Livestream 6/30/24 Inner & Outer Hips + Revolved Straddle 95 min
Stretch and activate the muscles on the inner and outer hip while you free the movement of the lumbar and thoracic spine to work towards a revolved variation of the seated straddle, upavistha konasana!
Livestream 6/23/24 Deep Hips & Funky Hippy Dolphin Balance 95 min
Deepen your hip flexion and abduction to allow for ease sliding into a fun yet challenging non-traditional posture that engages the body in all the right ways, Funky Hippy Dolphin Balance!
Livestream 6/16/24 Posterior Shoulder & Tripsichore Headstand 95 min
Find equal parts activation and release of the muscles on the back of the shoulder to not only improve mobility, but also create a solid foundation for a fun arm balancing variation, tripsichore headstand!
Livestream 6/9/24 Thoracic Rotation + Parsva Bakasana 105 min
Channel the power of the shoulders and postural muscles to encourage deeper rotation through the thoracic spine using a strap. Then, incorporate the core into deep twists as you work your way into parsva bakasana, or side crow!
Livestream 5/26/24 Active Hip Flexion + Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana B
Explore the nuances of lumbo-pelvic biomechanics to maximize your hip flexion so that you work into hand to foot pose, utthita hasta padangusthasana, more freely!