Livestream 5/19/24 Hip Extension + Ardha Chandra Chapasana 100 min
Isolate and integrate the movement lumbopelvic region with active hip extension to find a more active and stable backbend. Then work into two different back bending poses, ardha chandra chapasana or kapinjalasana!
Livestream 5/12/24 Figure 4 Hips & Balancing Variations 100 min
Take your figure 4 hip stretch into many different orientations to both mobilize and activate the muscles around the hip. Then, balance the pose in different variations such as grasshopper and firefly!
Livestream 5/5/24 Free the Hamstrings + Seated Revolved BOP 100 min
Familiarize yourself with the hamstrings at many different angles in this practice that asks for a combination of active and passive mobility to work into a seated variation of revolved bird of paradise! (PS a great practice for runners or those with tight hammies!)
Livestream 4/28/24 Active Extension + Rolling Bow Pose 100 min
Most back bends require not only available mobility into hip and spinal extension, but also activation of the muscles that make that happen. This practice does both, addressing common limitations and weak spots to allow for some playful variations of dhanurasana, or bow pose!
Livestream 4/21/24 Strong Legs in Arm Balances + Eka Pada Bakasana 2 95 min
Believe it or not, the way you engage your legs can add to the strength of your arm balances. In this practice, we not only open the hips, but we also use the legs to create a strong support in one legged crow pose 2, eka pada bakasana 2!
Livestream 4/14/24 End Range Shoulder Mobility + King Pigeon 100 min
Find the full end range of the shoulders into flexion by freeing the posterior shoulder (including latissimus dorsi and teres major) and thoracic spine! Then, find active engagement through the hips and core to work into eka pada rajakapotasana, or king pigeon pose!
Livestream 4/7/24 Opening Overhead + Bound Thread the Needle 90 min
Use a strap to activate and mobilize the shoulders and thoracic spine to improve your overhead action. Then work into a deep, twisting bound variation of thread the needle!
Livestream 3/31/24 Side Bending + Parighasana 100 min
Lateral flexion, or side bending, is often over looked or under utilized in daily function AND yoga practice. So here is a practice to acquaint you with lateral flexion to improve overall mobility of the spine and work into parighasana, or gate pose.
Livestream 3/24/24 Stable Shoulders + Headstand Entries 95 min
Find stability through your shoulders to get the arms overhead. Then, Try different ways to enter your your headstand using props!
Livestream 3/17/24 Hip Rotation + Bhujapidasana 90 min
Find the connection between the hips and the core in this class that encourages active hip rotation to work into bhujapidasana!
Livestream 3/10/24 Free the Feet + Figure 4 Toestand 90 min
Improve the movement of the ankle, foot and toes in this class that both mobilizes and stretches one of the most forgotten areas of the body. Then, apply your newly found freedom to a variation of toe stand!
Livestream 3/3/24 Active Hip Mobility + Archer's Pose 90 min
Opening the hips is about more than simply stretching them- you need to activate those muscles too! This practice takes a playful approach to moving the hips in many different ways so that you can unlock the flexibility necessary for archer's pose!
Livestream 2/25/24 Happy Hamstrings + Supta Konasana 100min
Find power in the muscles that the yoga practice tends to stretch the most and strengthen the least- the hamstrings! Then apply your newly found activation to a tricky posture from Ashtanga's primary series, supta konasana!
Livestream 2/18/24 Core Stabilization + Balancing Twist 95 min
Feel the core engage as you intentionally change the base of support throughout this practice that builds into a balancing twist that ignites the entire body!
Livestream 2/11/24 Don't Forget the Adductors + Dragon Pose 100 min
Release the adductors to journey deep into the hip for the flexibility and strength necessary for this flying lizard, or dragon pose, arm
balancing variation! -
Livestream 2/4/24 Scapular Mobility + Shark Fin 105 min
Mobilize and stabilize the scapulae (shoulder blades) through a practice that challenges in static to transitional postures to work into a balancing forearm back bend, shark fin! A great practice for the hamstrings and glutes too!
Livestream 1/28/24 Wrist Mobility & Mayurasana 95 min
Mobilize and stabilize the wrists and forearms through self massage and fun variations of common postures while you activate the core and hips to work into the peacock pose, mayurasana, with the support of props!
Livestream 1/21/24 Spinal Flexion + All Levels Bakasana 100 min
Whether you're working toward nailing your first free standing crow pose or you're ready to take it to the next level, this class cultivates the active spinal flexion necessary to curl in and balance on the hands. Check out the block drill at the end of class to find the right level of challenge ...
Livestream 1/14/24 Spinal Rotation, Shoulders + Bound Half Moon 100 min
Discover how improved spinal rotation can actually improve your ability to bind in this class that peels away the layers to bind in ardha chandrasana, half moon pose! (Having a wall for a prop is encouraged!)
Livestream 1/7/24 Hip Rotation + Kurmasana 100 min
Explore all the facets of healthy rotating hips including active, passive, open and closed chain mobility in this practice that works up to the turtle pose, kurmasana!
Open Your Heart to 2024 Backbending Workshop & Masterclass 130 min
In this focused 2-hour session, dive into the anatomy of back-bending postures, cultivating stability through intentional engagement, breath techniques, and bandhas.
Refine alignment of the shoulders, spine, pelvis and hips through drills for improved mobility. Find intentional core activation u...
Livestream 12/31/23 The Posterior Shoulder + Finishing Pose 100 min
Feel the connection of the shoulders to the heart and core through blanket sliding drills. Then thread the strength of the posterior shoulder throughout this practice that prepares for the heart - opening element of finishing poses: halasana (plough), salamba sarvangasana (shoulder stand) and kar...
Livestream 12/24/23 Frontal Plane Stabilization+ Visvamitrasana Variation 95 min
Explore the mobility of the spine, hips and shoulders when you move to the sides of the body. You’ll activate the inner and outer hips, feel the connection between the hamstrings and low back and activate the shoulders. It’s a whole body experience that builds into a fun arm balancing variation o...
Livestream 12/17/23 Finding the Front of the Leg + Floating Camel 95 min
Connect with the easily forgotten muscles that live on the front of your leg such as tibialis anterior and quadriceps in maximizing your range of motion and stabilization of the foot, ankle and knee. As a bonus, we apply this knowledge to the beloved action of rolling over the toes from chaturang...