Livestream 4/28/24 Active Extension + Rolling Bow Pose 100 min
Live Stream Classes 3 - High Resolution!
1h 41m
Most back bends require not only available mobility into hip and spinal extension, but also activation of the muscles that make that happen. This practice does both, addressing common limitations and weak spots to allow for some playful variations of dhanurasana, or bow pose!
Up Next in Live Stream Classes 3 - High Resolution!
Livestream 4/21/24 Strong Legs in Arm...
Believe it or not, the way you engage your legs can add to the strength of your arm balances. In this practice, we not only open the hips, but we also use the legs to create a strong support in one legged crow pose 2, eka pada bakasana 2!
Livestream 4/14/24 End Range Shoulder...
Find the full end range of the shoulders into flexion by freeing the posterior shoulder (including latissimus dorsi and teres major) and thoracic spine! Then, find active engagement through the hips and core to work into eka pada rajakapotasana, or king pigeon pose!
Livestream 4/7/24 Opening Overhead + ...
Use a strap to activate and mobilize the shoulders and thoracic spine to improve your overhead action. Then work into a deep, twisting bound variation of thread the needle!