Livestream 9/1/24 Knee Stability + Single Leg Bound Bridge Pose!
Live Stream Classes 3 - High Resolution!
1h 43m
Take a regional look at the knee, hip and ankle to optimize mobility and improve stability in this practice intended to nourish all the ways your knees move! Then, work into a single leg variation of a bound bridge pose!
Up Next in Live Stream Classes 3 - High Resolution!
Livestream 8/25/24 Twisting Folds + D...
Flip your twist upside down on one leg with this practice that offers several new perspectives on common postures. Then, apply these new concepts to a twisting bound forward fold comically named drinking flamingo!
Livestream 8/18/24 Active Hip Extensi...
Free the hip to move confidently into extension with the support of the pelvis and the lumbar spine! This biomechanics-focused practice will connect you to the gluteus maximus for a stronger presence in dikasana, or full warrior 3 pose!
Livestream 8/11/24 Free the Feet + Ex...
Free the mobility of the ankles and feet so that you can root more completely and confidently. Then, gradually open along the entire front of the body to approach extended variation of bridge pose!