Livestream 1/15/23 Hip Flexors + Dikasana 95 min
Soften the hip flexors and work into the active hip extension needed for glute engagement and finding balance in dikasana, or warrior 3.
Livestream 2/26/23 Wrists, Shoulders + 2 Legged Plank Balance 90 min
Find the connection from shoulders to wrists to create a solid foundation for weight bearing on the hands. Then find trunk and pelvic stability as you move through standing postures and into a balancing plank with only 2 points of contact!
Livestream 2/12/23 Scapular Stability + Tripsichore Headstand 90 min
Stabilize the shoulder blades to build a strong foundation through the arms for weight bearing in this variation of tripsichore headstand!
Livestream 2/5/23 Crossed Leg Variations + Gomukasana 90 min
Experience the transformation of common postures by adding a cross of the legs to improve hip mobility and engagement and find balance in gomukasana, cow face pose!
Livestream 1/29/23 Bound Single Leg Fold + Active Twists 95 min
Add elements of muscular action to otherwise passive positions to increase core stability and depths in your twists. Then work into a bound variation of a single leg standing forward fold, the drinking flamingo!
Livestream 1/22/23 Core Engagement in Flexion + Rabbit Pose 90 min
Ring in the year of the rabbit by using your core to flex and stabilize the spine. Then try few fun variations of sasangasana, or rabbit pose, to celebrate the Lunar New Year.
Livestream 1/8/23 Pelvic & Hip Rotation + Tree Side Plank 95 min
Experience the biomechanical connection of pelvic position and hip rotation to engage your hip rotators and core in variations of samanasana and side plank with a tree pose!
1/1/23 Deep Twist + Eagle Side Crow 95 min
Use the shoulders to access a deeper spinal twist in this active align class that gently builds into a variation of side crow with the legs bound as in eagle pose. Plus, an awesome detour for the core that puts all the pieces of the peak posture together!
Livestream 12/18/22 Core Stabilization in Backbends + Chinstand Dancer 95 min
Activate the core in multiple ways to optimize dynamic stability of the lumbar spine. Then, try out a fun variation of a back bending chin stand with a bind!
Livestream 12/11/22 Foot Focus + Toe Stand 105 min
Dive deep into the layers of the foot and ankle to totally transform your foundation and experience in the yoga practice. You'll stretch, mobilize and activate some neglected muscles in the feet throughout the practice and then work into some toe stands. It's not a practice to be missed!
Livestream 12/4/22 Scapular Stability + Wild Thing Variations 95 min
Channel the strength of the scapular stabilizing muscles to build a solid foundation when weight bearing through the hands. Apply these concepts to exploring a few different variations and transitions into wild thing!
Livestream 11/27/22 The Frontal Plane + 1/2 Side-Flying Lotus 100 min
Explore spinal and hip mobility in the frontal plane to activate the glutes and obliques in preparation for a flying 1/2 lotus in side lying!
Livestream 11/20/22 Posterior Chain + Koundinyasana II 100 min
Find activation of the posterior chain and core using a stack-of-blocks-of-fun so that you can activate your spinal and hip extensors actively in koundinyasana II!
Livestream 11/13/22 Hip Mobility + Head to Foot 100 min
Celebrate the 3 year anniversary with the Sangha with this practice that encourages active hip mobility through drills and a standing posture sequence with intentional hip opening into the head to foot posture.
Livestream 10/30/22 Spirals + Urdvha Dhanurasana 105 min
Find complimentary, counteracting spiral action through the legs to cultivate a solid foundation in a standing sequence that encouraged spinal mobility and core activation. Then work gradually into wheel pose, urdvha dhanurasana, using blocks at the wall!
Livestream 10/23/22 Active Glutes + Dhanurasana 105 min
Wake up the sleepy glutes to actively extend the hip and then find increased depth and stability in your dhanurasana, bow pose!
Livestream 10/16/22 Half Bound Lotus Boat Pose
Free the shoulders and thoracic spine to work into several twists. Then, free the hamstrings through active hip flexion and find balance in a bound variation of boat pose with half lotus.
Livestream 10/9/22 Adductors, Ballet + Ashtavakrasana 105 min
Channel the strength of the muscles on inner thigh, outer hip and side body for some ballet-inspired transitions and a side-lying entry to ashtavakrasana.
Livestream 10/2/22 Twisting Core Stability + Fallen Angel 105 min
Stabilize the core and hips to strengthen your twists. Then, work into different variations of side crow and fallen angel!
Livestream 9/25/22 Weight Shifts + Flying Hippy Dolphin
Channel the power of core stability as you use subtle shifts in the feet to move your center of gravity. This hip opening practice then builds to fun variation of a balancing dolphin pose + hip opener, lovingly called flying hippy dolphin.
Livestream 9/11/22 Core For Strong Twists + Bound Revolved Half Moon 100 min
Free the movement of the thoracic spine for improved mobility and twist actively using core engagement. Then, test your balance in a bound variation of revolved half moon.
Livestream 9/4/22 Strong, Mobile Hips + Eka Pada Bakasana 2 90 min
Explore active hip mobility in abduction, adduction, internal rotation and external rotation using a blanket and find the connection between the hips, core and pelvic floor in this class that prepares for eka pada bakasana 2. Please note- the first 5 minutes of class were not recorded, so you'll ...
Livestream 8/28/22 Active Hip, Core + Ubhaya Padagusthasana 100 min
Find the power of the legs and activation of the core to move with stability, working towards (but not into) the dynamic posture ubhaya padangusthasana.
Livestream 8/21/22 Prana + Apana + Ustrasana 95 min
Feel the current of prana and apana opposing one another as you build a strong foundation to work into ustrasana, camel pose.