Livestream 5/21/23 Shoulder Mobility + Flipped Marichyasana C 95 min
Free the mobility of the shoulders and thoracic spine for deep twisting and binds to work into a variation of marichyasana c flipped on its side! Your shoulders have never moved better!
Livestream 5-14-23 Hips, Root Chakra + Vatayanasana 95 min
Connect with the power and mobility of the hips and engage into the region of the root chakra to build into different variations of vatayanasa, or horse pose.
Livestream 5/7/23 Hip Flexion + BOP Variation
Fire up your hip flexors and improve your lumbopelvic mobility to find balance in a variation of bird of paradise! Optionally try a mobility challenge that ties it all together!
Livestream 4-30 Thoracic Mobility + Pasasana Variation 90 min
Free the movement of the thoracic spine and chest to prepare for deep twisting in this practice that builds towards a variation of pasasana, the noose pose!
Livestream 4-26-23 Shoulder Mobility Overhead + Sirsasana 90 min
Free and strengthen the movement of the shoulders in the overhead space and focus on hugging in to the midline to work into sirsasana, or headstand!
Livestream 4-16-23 Hips, Shoulders + Seated Compass 90 min
Explore active shoulder and trunk mobility using a strap like a compass. Then, go deep into the hips to prepare for a seated variation of visvamitrasana, or compass pose!
Livestream 4-9-23 Active Hip Extension + Standing Bow 90 min
Free your hip mobility to find powerful hip and lumbar extension, working into a standing back bend variation of bow pose!
Livestream 4/2/23 Adductors + Middle Splits 90 min
Improve your hip mobility in the frontal plane by actively lengthening and activating your adductor and hamstring muscles to work into a deeper split!
Livestream 3/26/23 Active Twisting + Side Crow 90 min
Use the core to stabilize your trunk movement and deepen your twists as you work into parsva bakasana, side crow!
Livestream 3-19-23 Adduction + Balancing Grasshopper 95 min
Find powerful hip adduction by exploring variations of postures with legs crossed as you build into a balancing variation of grasshopper pose!
Livestream 3/12/23 Active Back Bends + Baby Drop Backs 95 min
Strong back bends require strong back muscles and a solid foundation. So in this class, you'll connect with the power of the paraspinal muscle group and the legs to work incrementally into "drop backs."
Livestream 3/5/23 Hip Abd + Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Variation 95 min
Hip abduction, moving the leg to the side of the body, tends to be limited in mobility and strength for many people (even yogis!). So, this class encourages hip abduction actively and passively to prepare for a fired up variation of utthita hasta padangusthasana. Your glutes will thank you!