Active Align
Deepen your practice by expanding your understanding of anatomy in asana. Active align classes mix strength and precision for those looking to illuminate the physical and energetic nuances of postures and explore alignment dynamically (and maybe sweat a little along the way). Use of props highly encouraged!
Active Align Yoga Dynamic Core Stability 55 min
Challenge your dynamic balance and build core stability in this movement-focused yoga practice that offers multiple levels of difficulty for postures and transitions.
Active Align Yoga Hamstrings + Visvamitrasana 75 min
Apply learning of hamstring anatomy to explore nuances of standing and seated postures. You'll open the low back and legs to access a seated variation of visvamitrasana, compass pose.
Active Align Yoga Shoulder Mechanics: Protraction + Retraction 65 min
Apply scapular (shoulder blades) protraction + retraction to many common postures to open the upper thoracic spine in new ways!
Active Align Yoga Dissociation + Revolved Half Moon 75 min
Dissociate, or disconnect, the movement of the thoracic spine from that of the lumbar spine and pelvis. You'll engage core and hip muscles to build a strong foundation for twisting.
Active Align Yoga Open to Closed Chain 55 min
Learn the difference between open and closed chain movements then apply this concept to shape-building postures through actions of the shoulders and hips.
Active Align Yoga Hips in the Fontal Plane + Kapinjalasana 75 min
Mobilize and strengthen hip movements in the frontal place (hip abduction and adduction) to work toward stability and balance in a variation of kapinjalasana!
Active Align Yoga Short and Sweet 20 min
You asked, I answered! Per your request, here is an abbreviated practice to move the body from head to toe for when you are short on time. Enjoy!
Active Align Yoga Core Engagement in Back Bends 25 min
This class uses a block to engage muscles of the inner hip, pelvic floor and core for a strong, expansive back bending practice- all in a short amount of time!
Active Align Yoga Reciprocal Inhibition + Bhekasana 65 min
Apply the concept of reciprocal inhibition to engage around commonly stuck areas (like the chest and hip flexors) in a practice working into bhekasana, the frog pose.
Active Align Yoga Shoulders + Core on Forearms 20 min
Build heat in the core and shoulders while mobilizing the thoracic spine in this brief but fiery practice.
Active Align Yoga Power Up The Legs 20 min
This quick class packs a punch for muscles in the legs and hips, guiding you through primarily standing postures. Build strength and stability to ward off some of the common perpetrators of low back and hip pain, or simply enjoy the fiery flow. Didn’t know you could do all this is just 20 minutes...
Active Align Yoga Standing Strong & Balanced 20 min
Transition your state of mind and body with this quick practice of standing and balance postures that can be done anytime, anywhere!
Active Align Yoga Chandra Namaskar 15 min
Move through this practice building on chandra namaskar for a quick reset of mind, body and breath. It's especially great in the morning or taking a break from sitting!
Active Align Yoga PNF + Floating Straddle 85 min
Apply the concept of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) to maximize flexibility of the hamstrings in preparation for an arm balancing variation of upavistha konasana, seated straddle forward bend.
Active Align Yoga Extend Into the Heart 65 min
Connect to the power of the core and gluteus maximus to find active extension of the hip and lumbar spine, working into a variation of the heart chakra pose, anahatasana.
Active Align Yoga All About Glute Max 27 min
Incorporate additional activation for the gluteus maximus, one of the biggest muscles in the hips, to find improved stability and strength in common standing postures.
Active Align Yoga Workshop All About Serratus Anterior + Surya Namaskar A 45 min
Take it back to the basics when it comes to shoulder mechanics in surya namaskara, or sun salutation A. This workshop explores the nuances of alignment and activation of the serratus anterior muscle for improved upward scapular rotation and finding powerful transitions.