Gentle Align Yoga A Lovely Low Back 45 min
A healthy, happy low back depends so much on the mobility and strength of the entire lumbo-pelvic region- including the hips, pelvis, lumbar and even to a certain extent thoracic spine. So in this class, you'll mix active and passive mobility in all the right proportions to free up a cranky back....
Gentle Align Yoga Nix Neck Pain 45 min
Discover the interconnectedness of the upper quarter in this class that encourages scapular mobility & stability, improved spinal mobility and strength to support the weight of your head in all directions. If you ever suffer from neck pain (or headaches), this is the class for you!!
Gentle Align Yoga Blanket Sliding for Shoulders 30 min
Slide your way to more mobile, stable shoulders in this practice using a blanket for drills on the floor and some fun variations of surya namaskar!
Gentle Align Yoga Varying Your Twists 40 min
Expand your spinal mobility by combining movements in flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion in various postures. You'll be surprised by how much more you can move!
Gentle Align Thoracic Mobility 45 min
This class explores commonly practiced postures in a unique way to bring more mobility to the thoracic spine. Give it a try!
Gentle Align Rotate the Hips 45 min
Expand your experience in common seated and standing postures by aligning to the internal and external rotation of the hip joint.
Gentle Align Yoga Side Body Opening 55 min
Free the movement of the spine, hips and shoulders by opening the sides of the body! You'll feel equally relaxed and invigorated!
Gentle Align Yoga Against the Wall 30 min
Embrace the support of the wall as you expand the position of the shoulder, spine and hips in common standing postures!
Gentle Align Yoga Inner + Outer Hip 50 min
Discover the connection of inner + outer hip flexibility and strength as this gentle practice encourages a sense of "sama" or sameness.
Gentle Align Yoga 2 Blocks Transformation 40 min
Incorporate props into common postures to explore your potential for mobility and strength!
Gentle Align Yoga Building Twists 35 min
Combine different planes of movement outside of your typical vinyasa practice to improve mobility and connect with more strength in back bending.
Gentle Align Yoga Easy Kneeling Mobility 50 min
Gently open the whole body in this easy kneeling sequence. It has all the good stuff to get you ready for the day or to unwind at the end. It may become a daily ritual!
Gentle Align Yoga Active Hips for Strong Postures 35 min
Hip musculature plays an important role not only in the movements of the hip, but also balance and postural strength. This practice asks for active hip movements that translates to more solid foundation in standing postures and transitions.
Gentle Align Expansive Side Body 35 min
Explore spinal, shoulder and hip movements in the frontal plane to stretch and activate the muscles of the side body!
Gentle Align Yoga Rooting Through the Feet 45 min
Find depth in your roots by incorporating active mobility of your foot and ankle into common standing postures. You'll feel the transformation of your experience from the ground up!
Gentle Align Shoulders + Thoracic Mobility 30 min
Use a block to find new ways of moving the shoulders and thoracic spine- especially great for those of us who spend any extended amounts of time in front of a computer!
Gentle Align All About QL 50 min
The quadratus lumborum, or QL, plays an important role in postural stability and assists in movements of the spine, pelvis and ribs. It is also a common culprit of low back pain. This practice helps to relieve QL tension and build regional stability to ease pain and prevent it from coming back!