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Gentle Align Yoga Nix Neck Pain 45 min
Gentle Align
Discover the interconnectedness of the upper quarter in this class that encourages scapular mobility & stability, improved spinal mobility and strength to support the weight of your head in all directions. If you ever suffer from neck pain (or headaches), this is the class for you!!
Up Next in Gentle Align
Gentle Align Yoga Blanket Sliding for...
Slide your way to more mobile, stable shoulders in this practice using a blanket for drills on the floor and some fun variations of surya namaskar!
Gentle Align Yoga Varying Your Twists...
Expand your spinal mobility by combining movements in flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion in various postures. You'll be surprised by how much more you can move!
Gentle Align Thoracic Mobility 45 min
This class explores commonly practiced postures in a unique way to bring more mobility to the thoracic spine. Give it a try!