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Livestream 8/28/22 Active Hip, Core + Ubhaya Padagusthasana 100 min
Live Stream Classes 2
1h 43m
Find the power of the legs and activation of the core to move with stability, working towards (but not into) the dynamic posture ubhaya padangusthasana.
Up Next in Live Stream Classes 2
Livestream 8/21/22 Prana + Apana + Us...
Feel the current of prana and apana opposing one another as you build a strong foundation to work into ustrasana, camel pose.
Livestream 8/7/22 Front Body Opening ...
Use a strap throughout the standing sequence in this class to activate posterior chain muscles and open the front body to access a bridge shoulder stand, setubandha sarvangasana.
Livestream 7/31/22 Active Shoulders +...
Connect with the muscles that stabilize the shoulder blades, the core and the glutes to find a smooth entry to sirsasana, or headstand!