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Livestream 4/7/24 Opening Overhead + Bound Thread the Needle 90 min
Live Stream Classes 3 - High Resolution!
1h 33m
Use a strap to activate and mobilize the shoulders and thoracic spine to improve your overhead action. Then work into a deep, twisting bound variation of thread the needle!
Up Next in Live Stream Classes 3 - High Resolution!
Livestream 3/31/24 Side Bending + Par...
Lateral flexion, or side bending, is often over looked or under utilized in daily function AND yoga practice. So here is a practice to acquaint you with lateral flexion to improve overall mobility of the spine and work into parighasana, or gate pose.
Livestream 3/24/24 Stable Shoulders +...
Find stability through your shoulders to get the arms overhead. Then, Try different ways to enter your your headstand using props!
Livestream 3/17/24 Hip Rotation + Bhu...
Find the connection between the hips and the core in this class that encourages active hip rotation to work into bhujapidasana!