Getting the femur behind the hip (hip extension) is incredibly important in many back bends. However, modern vinyasa yoga classes commonly under utilize this action- leaving many yoga practitioners with weak glutes (especially gluteus maximus and medius). So, this class incorporates drills and posture variations to channel the power of posterior hip muscles in ardha chandra chapasana, the sugar cane pose.
Up Next in Active Align
Active Align Yoga Just Keep Moving 30...
Get a lot of movement from a short practice! This sequence addresses thoracic spinal mobility, stability and power in the legs and glute activation (hello hip extension) in different back bends. It's a great all around practice from head to toes!
Active Align Yoga Hips , Core + Eka P...
Find active hip mobility to open and strengthen the hips while building the core engagement necessary to play with a variation of a one legged crow pose, eka pada bakasana 2.
Active Align Strap Compass Flow 80 min
Use a strap to explore how the shoulder blades move alongside the thoracic spine as you get to know the scapulo-thoracic joint. Encourage strength in the shoulders and build to a balancing variation of downward facing dog!
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