Active Align Yoga Just Keep Moving 30 min
Active Align
Get a lot of movement from a short practice! This sequence addresses thoracic spinal mobility, stability and power in the legs and glute activation (hello hip extension) in different back bends. It's a great all around practice from head to toes!
Up Next in Active Align
Active Align Yoga Hips , Core + Eka P...
Find active hip mobility to open and strengthen the hips while building the core engagement necessary to play with a variation of a one legged crow pose, eka pada bakasana 2.
Active Align Strap Compass Flow 80 min
Use a strap to explore how the shoulder blades move alongside the thoracic spine as you get to know the scapulo-thoracic joint. Encourage strength in the shoulders and build to a balancing variation of downward facing dog!
Active Align Stabilize Your Twist Sta...
Fire up your obliques and find a stable twist from the lumbar spine to your thoracic spine. Like you're wringing yourself out!